Sunday, December 10, 2006
A Series of Events

\\\\\\ Firstly,


Hope you guys did have great bdays. :)

I have only 2 finals, then I am done with this long-tough-bitter quarter. Not that I didn't enjoy it, but it has been a ..... long and tiring quarter.

Anyway, my finance final is on monday. and my philosophy final is on thurs. (i hope i get at least a 3.0 in philo class. <-- yes, that's how bad I am doing) Updates: Thanksgiving weekend/break. Rudy's Birthday. We were supposed to eat at Metropolitan Grill but it keeps getting postponed. I even bought something to wear for the dinner already. :( Well, we'll do it after my finals.. Which we will do soon. YAY!! Steakss.. here I COME!! :) Had Fall bash. Went snowboarding. It snowed - A LOT! because of the snow, i skipped sch. hehe. bloody UW! Want to kill their students is it?? snowing still ask us to go to sch! u knw hw damn slippery the icy floors are? :@ (Yes, I fell down and there was a few bruises) That's about all. Did a lot of other stuffs but it was not that significant. hehe. Will post pictures nw. :)

Oh, I was freaking drunk that night and even threw up a few times. I don't like being drunk. I freaking hate the way my stomach feels. My poor poorr tummy. Anyway, as usual, there was a grp of Indonesians who fought at the party. Lol. [Bouncer said that there was about 50 guys fighting. WHOAAA.] But I passed out. So i missed out on a good show. It was good though. Both Jen and I were underage (esp. Jen) and it was good that we were not at the scene when the police were there.

Btw, that stupid Rudy was drunk and was freaking noisy. All his talk about why his mum can't speak chinese, et cetera.

Note to self: Never let Rudy get drunk again. But if it happens again, make him drink even more so that he passes out and keeps quite. HAHAHA. I am so MEAN. =X

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Pretty Stevens Pass

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One More Picture. :)

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Look at how small the people are when we look at them from the lift! [And to think I am scared of height. :( ]

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Group picture - More people were supposed to come, but didn't because of the Thanksgiving Shopping Spree.

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On our way home!!

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Went to Hooters on one of the days and took a picture with one of the ladies. Her b**ps were pressing against my back, and D*MN it was hard. Lol. Those of you who do not know what hooters is like, please please please go google it. Guys would love it. Haha.

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It was snowing. Look at the snow covered FLOORS.

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And the snow covered cars!

Shoreline CC and most community colleges canceled class for like 3 days, SU cancelled class for 1 day but the stupid UW was open!! !@#$%^&*

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Rudy's bday at Cheesecake Factory. He treated Angel, Jen and me! yay!

P.S. I think he's fascinated by this chocolate mousse thingy they gave him. He keeps looking at it. Weird. :S

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We had Tiramisu Cheesecake for dessert! :D

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Pretty XMAS decoration.

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A picture of my house from the outside! Well, not really. Mine is the one inside. Yes, we are renting the whole townhouse. Will show you guys picture of my nice kitchen sometime later. After finals. And pictures of my room! Hehe.

WOW! It is 2.40AM. Gonna sleeppp. Gotta study for finals tomorrow. Good night people.

P.S. Oh yeah, I want to change my blog skin too!

Time to Love. Y
2:05 AM


welcome :) to:
enjoy your stay;
hopefully, i update
often enough. hehee


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University of Washington
UWBS '08
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EDITOR:Photoshop Elements 5.0